Horses Painting
in Vaastu, represent success and power. A Seven Horse Painting in your home
ensures promotion in the job, success in your business and financial stability
in your life. The direction and placement of the galloping horses is very
important. While hanging the painting, one should make sure that it faces one’s
home i.e. the horses should be moving into your home .It should be hung on the
South or East wall of your home/office.
Waterfall Painting
Water is considered as one of the most powerful of five elements
in Vaastu as well as in Fengshui . Water is the strongest source of flowing
energy in our life as its very essence lies in movement and flow. There are
many sources of water elements – lakes, rivers, rain, snow, oceans etc. But one
source that is believed to represent the very essence of water element is
–Waterfall-moving and flowing water in full force and energy .It is the symbol
of “abundance”. Waterfall Painting channelizes positive energy towards your
business and career, have calming effect on your mind which reduces the stress
level and keeps you healthy and happy. According to Fengshui, the painting of
Waterfall is a source of abundant flow of wealth and good fortune.
Endless Path Painting
The painting of endless road or path symbolizes
opportunities in career and business. A painting of green forests with deep
path energizes the west direction of your house so as to bring good vibes
and harmony in the house, overall growth, new opportunities
in life and ceaseless growth.

Deer Painting
Deer is a very gentle animal which is symbolic of speed and
agility. It is known for its endurance, grace and long life and is a popular
symbol of longevity. A deer painting in the health sector of your
house or bed room ensures good health. A deer painting at work place
detoxifies your mind of negative thoughts and blocked emotions. It infuses
vitality and speed in to any sluggish and laid back system and has the ability
to smoothen out any serious or complicated situation.
Bird Painting
Birds symbolize opportunity, new beginnings, fortune, and prosperity.
Painting of a bird flying high in the sky in the kids room will help children
dream big and to achieve big in life. The fortune area of your house is also
dominated by the wind element --- in such a case, hanging a painting of flying
birds will make things better for you, financially. Relationships can be
improved using paintings of birds in the bedroom of the house- the painting in
bedroom should have two birds as a representation of couple.

Ducks are a symbol love and loyalty. They are mentioned in
vaastu as well as fengshui when it comes to improving relationship between
couples. One of the most well-known ducks that symbolise love and
relationships are the mandarin ducks. They are known as yuan-yuang in
the Chinese language. These mandarin ducks are amazingly affectionate
creatures. Their togetherness represents fidelity and a strong bond of love.
Painting of are highly recommended in the bedroom of couple in
relationship zone
For more details visit :
Seven Horses Painting, can I keep both on south and east